Hormones suck….

I mean like a super powered Hoover! I’m in a hormone induced vortex. Clomid has turned me into a woman…. Not that I wasn’t one before, but I have always been told that I’m not emotional, and I’m not really. Or at least I wasn’t 4 months ago. Clomid has had me on an emotional roller coaster. It begins  with the hope after seeing a positive opk and thinking yay, it’s working!  Only to be squashed by a routine visit from the period fairy who takes all those hopes and doesn’t even leave money under my pillow. How inconsiderate! 

These last two months were pretty similar as far as symptoms go. Headaches, cranky, eating everything in site and becoming a giant cow. But the last month added some ever joyful constipation. Woohoo! Which made me even grumpier and even more bloated than my weight gain was a tribute to. I was hoping it was a good sign, progesterone can cause constipation, but no. The sore swollen boobs? Just me getting fat and starting my period. And to top all of this off I got the news that my grandpa had passed way. This is just a crazy emotion cocktail life has served me up. 

One of the only things that helps me get through is going to my friends house on the mornings that I work. We read our bibles, pray for each other, have our coffee, and talk about life. Yes, it’s something small, but it’s important and makes a huge difference in how I interact with people throughout the day. Having a friend that shares my beliefs and is willing to wake up early to start the day with such a positive, changes everything. 

When I started clomid over 3 months ago I went in knowing that I would only do 3 rounds and then I would be done. I am ok with being done with trying. I don’t think I’ll ever lose the hope that it could still happen and I’ll have to reprogram my brain to focus on something else. But it feels good to know that I did something, even if it didn’t turn out how I planned. Here I am ready shut this door and walk through whatever door God opens. 


I started using OPKs (Ovulation predictor kits)in June, and I had my LH (luteinizing hormone, which is higher right at ovulation) surge on day 20 with a 31 day cycle. Not impossible to get knocked up, but not real hopeful. The second month was the month of my EMB (endometrial biopsy). After I had it done I was taking ibuprofen for cramps and to keep down swelling. My LH surge was day 26 with a 27 day cycle. Hmmmm I’m not sure if this is normal for me and that’s why I have been having problems getting pregnant or if it was so late because of the ibuprofen. I have said before, that some people are under the belief that NSAIDs with their anti inflammatory properties can inhibit ovulation. Making the ovaries unable to swell enough to release an egg. Up until a year and a half ago I was popping NSAIDs like candy. But I cut way back and then quit using them all together when I heard about it could possibly be hindering ovulation. Either way, I’m not ovulating early enough.   

I started clomid in July. 50 mg on day 5 and continued through day 9. Quentin had been out of town and I wasn’t sleeping very well. I used to love him being gone, house to myself, I can eat all those things that I love and he doesn’t, mmmm pizza rolls. But now that it is a regular thing I have a hard time sleeping. So I started my rounds at a disadvantage. I started getting headaches, Not super bad but migraineish off and on all day. My mood did change a little but I didn’t notice until it was pointed out to me. When someone looks at me and says “that was rude…” When I am normally a person that can’t be mean if I try, there might be something happening.  I did feel really anxious though any of these could be a sideaffect of low sleep, on the 4th day of clomid our church youth camp started… Which always makes me emotional anyway. I just felt uncomfortable and not myself. I really wanted to sleep on my way over but I just couldn’t and I smelt like a school locker room. I know I put on deodorant, but when your friend threatens  to tape your arms down… You might need a shower. Jus’ sayin’. The day after my last pill I finally hit the wall. I cried 3 times that day. The things that made me cry were normal things to cry about for normal people…. But I normally only cry in private and only twice a year. Although it isn’t natural for me, for the first time in my life crying actually made me feel better. Not the act of crying, but the heartfelt prayer that it was paired with. The most ardent of these was over the souls of my family. I know that I can’t save them. I also know that they can’t save themselves. My family believes in salvation by works. But Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is a gift if God: not of works, lest any man should boast. Which means that all the good cannot make up for all the bad I’ve done. The only denomination of money that can pay for your ticket to heaven is the blood of Christ. He has already payed for your ticket and is waiting for you to accept it. I know I am off track from my story but if it is Gods will that I don’t have children but that my family comes to know Christ, praise God! I don’t need kids, but I do need my family to know the truth. 

 I was told to use OPKs from the last day of clomid until I got a positive. Which was really awkward at youth camp in an outhouse. Not to mention I didn’t want to leave them in the trash in case someone saw it and thought it was a pregnancy test  ( because they all look positive) and that would be way too much drama. So I had to smuggle a cup and and a kit to and from the bathroom each morning. “What’s the cup for?” “Uhhhh, I might get thirsty….” Nope not awkward at all. 

I got home from camp, still no positive. Not until cycle day 15 did I get a positive. And then life happened. We are youth leaders at our church and take it seriously. If our kids need something we help the best we can. Sometimes our kids are having a hard time at home they know that they can hang with us. Because this is the norm, I couldn’t say no, you can’t stay the night, because it would have been followed by why. And I don’t think telling them that we need alone time to procreate, would have been appropriate. We didn’t miss the window, but we didn’t throw rocks as often as we would have if the house was empty, wink wink. 

When the home stretch came into view I got hopeful when my boobs hurt so bad I wanted to cry, and was so tired I was falling asleep at work and driving. Yay these are good signs! Should I take a test early? No, I promised I wouldn’t until the first day of my missed period. Two days before I should have started I woke up with horrible cramps. Poop. But it was only round one and there is always next month. Time to start round two! 

My EMB. 

I was excited and nervous for my EMB. All of the horror stories although they held some truth, I think they were over dramatized. It is basically a biopsy of the uterine lining to test for abnormal cells and proper growth during the cycle. I had forgotten to take anything, even though I was advised to take ibuprofen about 30 min before hand, so it was painful. Almost like a period crammed into 5 minuets.

The MA told me to breath…. Because apparently I was holding my breath. Which, I did have someone ripping out pieces of my uterus and that’s after the speculum and opening my cervix. Holding my breath was a pretty natural reaction that kind of pain, I thought. I also got a little squirmy, also a natural reaction. I am fine if I can see why I am in pain. When I get my blood drawn I’m fine ( actually I kinda enjoy it, so glad I never got a tattoo, I would be addicted to them), but if I can’t see it like getting a pimple pinched on back ( so I have bacne, don’t judge me) I can’t sit still. Maybe valume would have been a good call. I was so relieved when the Dr. said “I’m done” that I just sat up. Which in hindsight wasn’t the best idea. She told me I might feel lightheaded and could lay down for a bit if I needed to. But I was not going to admit that I was lightheaded mostly because that ment I had to wait longer to get dressed… I was told the results should be in by Friday and then we can make some decisions about a plan of action.

I don’t know what outcome I was wanted more but I don’t think it was the one I got. It was exactly one week when I got the results. When I was told everything was fine, it was sort of a let down. Not that I want there to be something wrong with me. But if there was and it could be fixed it seems more logical than “nope you don’t have any reason for not getting pregnant so let’s throw some drugs at it”. Really nothing I don’t want to be in the “unexplained infertility” group. I was raised around farms. We had pigs, cows, chickens etc. and one thing I know is that a female animal that can’t reproduce is next weeks dinner. And being a Bible believing Christian I know that if I lived in the Old Testament that Quentin would have gotten another wife by now to preserve his family name. But I’m glad that he doesn’t see it that way and neither does God. God doesn’t judge us on what we can or can’t do, but what we will or won’t do for Him. Hebrews 12:1-2 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patients the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. We are asked to run with patients, knowing that God is in control. Jesus could have given up when he was hungry, thirsty, dying. He didn’t because he wanted what God wanted. Philipians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which  was also in Christ Jesus. Everything in my life can and should be used to bring others to Christ, good or bad. It is up to me to allow my life to be used for his glory not mine. Romans 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that he present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. 

When I was asked if I wanted to try clomid I was hesitant. I don’t want to force anything, and emotions scare me because I’m pretty even keel, but I can’t look back one day and say I didn’t try. So, here we go, one round of clomid started. Please pray for Gods will in all of this.

What goes on in my head. 

Sunday night, there I was lying in bed feeling crapy and frusterated. Most woman who have fertility isues are ok with having a late period. Not me. Not this time. I was supposed to have an emb on Friday. I was also supposed to get labs done on day 3 of my cycle and I can’t do that either because I haven’t started. Also, because I was not feeling to hot my brain was in a default mode that says “hey maybe your preggers”. Stupid brain. I took a test and it might have had a line but it also could have been me being stupid, and I like being stupid more than being a broken incubator, so I went with stupid. I just want to get the tests done and find out why I can’t think this a good thing. I took another test Monday , negative…. I started later that day. Bad news: I’m not pregnant, I know how to handle that… Good news: I can get my labs done Wednesday and reschedule my appointment. Which I did for the 6th. A week ago I prayed God would show me his plan. I am tired of holding things off because there still might be a chance we can have kids. I’m tired of saying that I don’t know why we can’t have kids. I’m tired of feeling like a failure because I have waited so long to look into fertility and put everything else on the back burner that I really don’t have anything to say “hey this is my life’s accomplishment”. I believe God wants me to be a nurse. Q and I have always wanted to start a camp to help kids and family’s that need it. I know that becoming a nurse is the best way to do that so we won’t have to staff someone. I also know that I would be a great nurse, once I got over my fear of making decisions. But all in all I love helping people and I think I can do that by going to nursing school. 

I don’t know if flow being late was Gods way of saying “hey, stop worrying about this and go to school” or “you can’t go to school work and be pregnant so….”. But either way I can’t start school right now anyway. We have an opportunity to buy the house we are renting but we need to lower out debt ratio first. We are working on it but I can’t start school if we need to pay a mortgage. I don’t like decisions and prioritizing is probably the hardest of all decisions. It’s like we have had all of these dreams… The same ones, since we met and not a single one has become reality. Even crack heads can  get pregnant. People buy houses all the time. I feel like we have been walking in the same circles all these years( wow that statement makes me feel really old) and still haven’t gotten anywhere. My life seems pointless. What’s the point in getting up and going to work if it doesn’t better my life. Why make appointments and go to the dr if I can’t make a decision on my next step due to expenses or flat out fear. It’s like I’m climbing a sand dune. The ones that look like they are straight up when you are at the bottom and every step I take, I just slide back down. I can climb all day and I haven’t gone anywhere, I just get hungry thirsty and tired. People always say don’t give up, but I’m exhausted mentally and physically And I haven’t even done anything! I hate feeling like a failure. The bottom line is don’t procrastinate, because the lady laying in the nursing home disoriented and dyeing with no family might be you some day. 

Ok, so enough morbid pity party. I need to stop saying , ” let’s wait and see” because if I wait and see any longer it will be to late. I mean come on I’m 30 and my eggs are getting old! Besides that nobody wants to be mistaken for their kids grandparents…. Ok so that’s what goes on in my head. Now you know. And I’m sorry for that. 

I will update on my appointment as soon as I get results. 

Youth soccer syndrome….

Thanks Brandie! I have another appointment next Friday I’ll update after that 🙂

No impossibilities

Why do we all have to measure ourselves by achievements? Why do we have to be so jealous of what others have accomplished that we want to deny them a chance to celebrate?

I am infertile. I understand feeling awkward and left out on Mother’s Day. But I also think that we should recognize women for what they do to contribute to society. Being a good mother not only affects the children they have today but the world we will live in, in the future. Just because I can’t have my own recognition doesn’t mean I should try to take it away from others.What would wesay if single people started saying ” I don’t think we should celebrateanniversaries because it makes me feel uncomfortable and sad” … huh?

If you don’t like that your church will be having a day of appreciation for mothers then stay home. Don’t be a…

View original post 406 more words

The Apointment…

Today I have the feeling nothing will work out. That might sound dramatic… Because it is. But today is one of those days that I feel like everything is against me. Let’s back up to my appointment though.

April 30th I saw another Doctor, not because I didn’t like the other Doctor but because I felt like he didn’t have the same drive I did. Or maybe I was looking for someone who has more drive than I have???? Someone who would let me know it’s ok to want kids and still be able to have boundaries on what I was willing to do to get them. Which is exactly what I got.

She asked me to give a run down, things I’ve tried things I haven’t tried etc. She laid out all of the options and then asked what I wanted. I’ll admit, I hate making decisions, but when I have convictions on why I do or do not do something it is so much easier! I hate things being thrown at me and be expected to give an answer. Anyway, I was super nervous… I wasn’t getting a pap, I didn’t have to get naked… Why should I be nervous? Because it’s one of the first times that I have gone in to the Doctor and felt like if we get answers and take care of any issues we might be able to do this.

One of the biggest problems I have had is making sure I’m not forcing what I want over what God wants. I know that the bible says to be fruitful and multiply, but all the women in the Bible who feel empty while “barren” are the same ones who seem to get ahead of God and have to deal with the repercussions of those decisions. The last thing I would want is forcing it and having multiple miscarriages or children with birth defects (Dont get me wrong, if I got pregnant right now and had a baby with downs syndrome, Etc. I would love that child and know that God ment it as a blessing, but if it were after rounds of hormones I would always wonder) that I would blame myself for.

 She asked what the most extensive thing I would consider, because I think she saw me cringe when she said IVF. I said I would want to narrow it down so we weren’t just throwing things at it. And I said the most I would be comfortable with would be basic hormone therapy ie. Clomid. It’s kind of funny she gave a basic order of what would be tried, more extensive labs than in the past. And she was glad to hear I had the HSG to rule out tubal blockage. Then she suggested an endometrial biopsy. It would test for bacterial infections abnormal uterine tissues, that kinda stuff. I’m thinking ok what could it hurt. Then she looked at the calendar a asked when my last period was. Looked at the calendar again and said great do you want to do it today? Uhh…. Can we wait? Like I said, no pap… I didn’t have to get naked…. Which was a good thing because my razor was dull, so I hadn’t shaved my legs for a while. I know I don’t need to “impress” the doc but seriously nobody should be subjected to no shave November in May…. That’s just cruel!

I was sent home with lab orders to get done. So, I should have had my labs done today on day 3 of my cycle…. But today is a holiday, and the lab isn’t open. My biopsy isn’t scheduled until next month so I can have my labs don’t on my next cycle and it really won’t be a big deal. I still feel defeated. Like I can’t get a break. I think I’ve done my dues, and waited long enough. I think it’s about time I find out what’s going on. But I have to wait one more month. Is this the end of the world? No. Does it feel that way today? Yes. Let’s face it what’s one more month added to the years we have been waiting. 

P.S. I tell my friend, who works at the clinic I was seen at, about getting an endometrial biopsy and she says “oh that’s the one that makes people scream”. Really?!? I was all ready to get it done not to worried about it but, screaming? So looked up stories of people who have had one done, and the majority said that it was painful but less painful than a HSG. Whew! I came through the HSG with some cramping but most of my weirdness was from the iodine. I can do it…. if I can’t, I will anyway… my dad always says what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, so if I don’t die… I might be a body builder!

I scheduled my next appointment for two months out. I will get my labs done and start using an ovulation predictor kit before I go in and am anxious to get answers!

Youth soccer syndrome….

Why do we all have to measure ourselves by achievements? Why do we have to be so jealous of what others have accomplished that we want to deny them a chance to celebrate?

I am infertile. I understand feeling awkward and left out on Mother’s Day.  But I also think that we should recognize women for what they do to contribute to society. Being a good mother not only affects the children they have today but the world we will live in, in the future. Just because I can’t have my own recognition doesn’t mean I should try to take it away from others. What would we say if single people started saying ” I don’t think we should celebrate anniversaries because it makes me feel uncomfortable and sad” … huh?

If you don’t like that your church will be having a day of appreciation for mothers then stay home. Don’t be a “soccer mom” that says “we shouldn’t keep score because it will make one team feel like losers”. I truly believe that having trials like this will make you a stronger person and will also help you analyze your priorities. Use your struggles to be a better person, not a whiner. I know what it’s like to want what you can’t have. But is having a baby my biggest goal in life? Or should I be more focused on whether or not my life situations, good and bad, can be used for Christ? Because I am infertile I have come in contact with people who I would never have met that my just be waiting to see how a Christian handles being broken. Maybe my story will lead someone to salvation. But if my whole story is me complaining and whining about what I don’t have and how unfair it is, what have I gained? What have I shown a lost world? That Christians don’t have any more answers to life than them. We may not know when or even if we will ever have kids, but we make the most out of the kids we come in contact with. The youth group at church are our kids. If God never blesses us with a blood born child of our own, we will still have our kids.

That’s what makes a mom. If you aren’t willing to accept that some people my not “recognize” you as a mom, you need to remember it doesn’t matter what they think. God will bless you more when you put all your love into what he’s already given you. God is no respecter of persons. All he want is Math 22:37-39 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, ad with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. So get up and go to church tomorrow, or stay at home and pout, but don’t take the day away from someone else, because it makes you sad. Because if God does bless you, will you still feel so wronged by a day you now fit into?

I Know this is kind of a rant, but in all seriousness, please don’t let your insecurities make others feel bad about the blessings God has given them.

Journey to Angus part ~ 5

The last year has been full of uncharted territory and has put me in a head fog that I just haven’t been able to shake for any extended period of time. April I noticed spotting a bout a week before I should have started… then I shared feeling crampy, sore boobs, normal Pms stuff. When I was a few days late I was going through denile, every test I ever take is just a “you’re period will start soon” test. So I told myself I would wait until Friday morning. I did and as I held the test watching to see if gives a clue ( don’t lie nobody waits to read it, right?). It looked negative, so I set it down and went on my run that morning. Still feeling crampy, and came home to shower. When I picked up the test to throw it away it caught my eye. The faintest of faint possitive lines ever! I was shocked! Then in denile again as I reminded myself this doesn’t happen to me. What are the odds of a false possitive? Then I freaked out knowing I can’t let Quentin know until I’m ready to tell people because he’s the worst secret keeper ever! So I tossed it in the wood stove, box and all, to burn the evidence. I hopped in the shower and when I got out I realized my period started??? Nope not my period a miscarriage. What most people would call a chemical pregnancy because it is so early, but not just a “chemical pregnancy” in my book, but a life lost. I was so stunned and everything happened so fast.I woke up at 5:30 and what I thought was impossible had happened, and by 7:30 every plan that I had made in those two hours where pointless.

 I was babysitting for a friend that day and she dropped off her daughter but she was running late and I didn’t want to hold her up with my problems so I just kept it in. That afternoon I had to go hang out with my brother-in-law who is in a wheelchair. I really didn’t feel like doing anything. I just wanted to go back to bed and hide. I felt horrible physically and emotionally, and I don’t do well with emotions. I calle Quentin and told him I was ucky, (our code word for aunt flow), and that I wanted him to come straight here after work so I could go home. No I didn’t tell him right then. How do you tell someone that? Besides I didn’t want him to leave work early because he was worried about me. So I waited and when he got there I did tell him. His reaction was unexpected. I don’t know what I did expect but laughter wasn’t one of them! Maybe he thought I was joking considering anytime someone asks if I’m pregnant we laugh; or laugh of shock. Either way he didn’t say much, and after a min he said he was sorry and asked if I was ok. 

Was I ok, no, did I tell the few people I was able to open up to I was ok, yes. Why? Because, like I said earlier I don’t do well with emotions. Which is why I only told my two closest friends. I didn’t call my mom or my sister or even my pastors wife. I hate it when people look at me like I’m supposed to show them what I’m feeling. If I want to show it I will, but don’t take advantage of a hormone ridden woman! Lol.  

I didn’t really get any recovery time. I started my blog shortly after this but then my grandma died…we had a crazy busy summer with camps and fundraisers for church. As the fall set in so did the holidays, then I started a new job in January, and the next thing I know it’s February. I had been having the same symptoms as I did a year in April so when my period started, call me crazy if you want, but I took a test anyway, and it was pos. another faint as faint can be pink line…. I took this one a little better but knowing you lost something that had barely had a chance to begin is hard. Some people say it’s great! At least you know it’s possible, but I’m on the end of it was easier to think it wouldn’t happen. It’s like those nightmares where someone’s chasing you or fighting with you and for some reason your limbs are dead weight. No matter how hard you try you can’t get ahead and even though it’s your body, you really don’t have control over how well it works. 

Through all of this the only really hopeful thing that was said to me was ” you will get to hold them someday, they are in heaven and safe, waiting for you” knowing that I don’t have to worry about messing them up as people is amazing! Even if I never get a chance to hold one of my own on earth I know that I will see them one day, and that’s enough. 

This is only part 5 of my story and I have got you up to date for now. But I know it’s not the end. I have an appointment today, pray I get some answers to why, and what to do to prevent other miscarriages. I am confident that all of this has been in Gods hands from the start and that His plan is perfect. 

For all of you who have been following me or even if you’re new, I want to know what you want to know. I want to answer your questions. They can be anything, family, husband, faith…. The questions that come up as you read about me and my journey. Just put them in a comment and I will do my best to answer them. 

Journey to Angus ~ Part 4

I want to do a short recap from the beginning. If you haven’t been following please start here for more details. Oct. 2003 Quentin and I met, Dec 2004 we got married. 2006 I have my first visit with a doctor about possible infertility. I was told that one year of trying wasn’t enough to tell but my husband should be checked first because he was a truck driver, (apparently sitting all day keeps thing to hot) so he says “no” and we opt for the wait and see option. Possible adoptions failed and chickening out of foster care. As we became more content with where God wanted us we started seeing where we could be used. We got involved in childrens church and went through the ups and downs of kids coming from heart breaking homes.  From 2009-20012 we didn’t talk much about having kids, except for the occasional “would we be willing to raise this crack heads kids since she obviously doesn’t?”, stuff.

In 2012 I met a friend who would not only get me thinking about it again but would also make me stronger in what I belived with IVF and fertility drugs. Any friend that can question my beliefs with curiosity instead of belittling or judging me, are the best. I met her at church and a few months later she became our neighbor. I had been in kind of a funk,it seemed my friends all had lives and I was a housewife in a house that never seemed clean no matter how hard I tried. I was self isolating in a way. I was “not feeling well enough to go to church” and basically stayed at home a lot. I think Quentin saw it, as after she moved in he would suguest I invite her over at least once a week. Little did he know that a few months later he would be complaining about how much time I spent hanging out with her, he he.

Because, she happens to be an MA working in a woman’s clinic and be a” fighting for what you want kind of person ” she had no problem asking all of the “whys” with my infertility. Although I had gone to get some answers 6 years earlier I didn’t really get any and not having answers for those “whys”, meant more “whys”. Not too much later I got a job with decent health insurance and decided that it wouldn’t hurt to at least see if there was a reason or even a more major problem to cause infertility…. and the fact that I  hadn’t had a pap in 8 years… yikes, was a good excuse too.

What I hadn’t put together was that this new friend worked for the Doctor that I had seen in ’06 for my initial fertility consult. Since I was already established and I there weren’t any appointments available with a female doctor in the time frame I needed, I decided to go to him again. What I didn’t anticipate was how awkward it would be to have  a close friend in the room while your having a pap done, especially when laughter is a staple in your friendship!

Of course his first question once again was “has your husband given a semen sample?”, and reiterated the likely hood that it was him, due to his job, and it was by far the least invasive and easiest test to have done. I said I would try to get him on board but it might take a while (which it did). Not knowing if he would do it or not the doctor ordered some labs, LH and TSH. He also ordered an HSG, and explained that it was basically to make sure my fallopian tubes were open and to rule that out. He assumed I was ovulating because I had a fairly regular period.

My labs came back normal but I was super nervous for my HSG. The closer I get to answers the more definitive things seem. What if I’m told there is  a major problem and I get a “you will never be able to have kids” or worse yet get “there’s no reason you can’t have kids, good luck”, none of these options sounded good to me. When I was called to make an appointment, I was told that the procedure can be painful and to take ibuprofen about 30 minuets to and hour a head of time. I took that advice as I didn’t want to be in pain all day. I got in to the room wich was a basic x-ray room, she gave me a gown and asked if I had any allergies to shellfish or iodine, to which I said no, because I’ve never been tested for either. I got changed and assumed the position… Honestly the procedure wasn’t that bad, the worst part in my opinion was the speculum, it was plastic and it flet sharp! After it was in place the Dr. then realized that the light wasn’t in it… so he had to hook it up, which ment a whole lot of unecisary wiggling, not the most comfortable. The catheter was inserted into my cervix and a balloon was inflated to prevent the contrast from leaking out that way. The tech lined up the x-ray and moved the monitor to where I could see it. It was really awesome to watch the contrast fill everything up. The doctor explained what I was seeing as the contrast moved through my uterus and fallopian tubes into my abdominal cavity proving that my tubes were open an there were no blockages! Before he removed the catheter he said he didn’t like the position of my uterus and asked if it was ok with me that he reposition  it???? Not being one that would argue with a doctor I said sure! He told me it might hurt and to tell him if it does and he would stop. I watched the screen as my usterus stretched out… so crazy! It felt weird, but not painful at all. And that was it, everything was removed and I got dressed. The tech told me that the likelihood of conceiving after an HSG were pretty high because the contrast basicly flushes everything out. Apparently it’s not uncommon to get pregnant within the first year if not in the first two months!

I was good for a little while but by the time I got home, I was cramping pretty bad and I felt drunk? Then it dawned on me, she asked if I was allergic to seafood, which I’m technically not but I feel drunk when I eat it… so the rest of the day I was woozy and my face was numb, just like being drunk. Fish allergy? Probably.

Right before my HSG I was still trying to get Quentin to submit a semen analysis, which wasn’t going so well. And I get it, a man doesn’t want to be told that his boys cant swim. But at the same time I didn’t want a finger pointing at me either but the alternative is not knowing which in my case, was blaming myself anyway just due to family history. When I told him how important it was for me, through my tears, which for me is a big deal because crying doesn’t happen often, he agreed to do it. When we got the results they were normal other than basicly saying that he needed to drink more water.

Although none of these test gave us definitive answers they also didn’t crush our hopes by giving us a hard and fast no it cant happen. On one hand being disappointed by not knowing what to fix, but comforted knowing the basics were ok.

I am so thankful for the people that God has put in my life to encourage me to do the things I want to do but need a push to get started.

So, it has been a while…

I haven’t posted since July, yes July! I have been having some computer problems and I tried to post Journey to Angus part 4 on a smart phone… Which is what I’m currently writing on.

I typed out half of the story three times. And each time the stupid phone froze and dumped everything I wrote! I took this as divine intervention, lol. God obviously didn’t want me to tell that part of my life. So, in the vaguest explanation possible, I had some baggage that had resurfaced and made me really think about weather or not I even wanted kids.

It was another, I’m second guessing myself, I never get anything right, I’ll seriously screw a kid up, post. And although I still have those feelings I know that there is a plan for everything that happens in everyone’s lives. From the things that I have never had any control over, to the way I chose to handle them. God has used them and is still using them for his glory.

Hopefully sometime soon I will get my new computer and be able to post on a more consistent basis. I do have more of my story to tell, and it’s just getting to the fun stuff with weird tests and intuitively inquisitive friends and the next one will not be so short, I promise. If you aren’t current on my blog, or if this is your first time, start here, so you won’t be lost.

Oh and the “unposted” post did feature a short snippet of my baby sister so here’s a shout out to Abby since your debut didn’t make the final cut. 🙂